Training - Service in Europe and South East Asia
For better support of our clients in Europe we are several times per calendar year in Germany and countries close by to visit our customers. This was initially set up in 2012 to serve our clients in Germany, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, UK, France and Switzerland in a more hands-on approach to discuss actual problems with plant approvals for Australia/NZ, as there were several large scale LNG, Mining, renewable energy projects under construction. In 2019/2020 we also hold training/seminars about the Australian regulations and specific requirements of the Oil&Gas and renewable energy Industry (e.g. INPEX, Apache, Shell, Conoco-Phillips, Santos-LNG projects, Snowy 2.0, diverse wind parks and hydrogen projects, Waste to Energy(WtE)-projects, etc.) in Australia and NZ. Seminars about the new Australian WHS regulations were given during the 10th European Pressure Equipment Symposium at Fuerstenfeldbruck (nearby Munich) in June 2013. In September 2013 at VDMA in Frankfurt for the association of German Machinery Manufacturers and also for the Italian association of pressure equipment manufacturers (UCC) in June 2013 in Varese. In November 2014 we also conducted a training at a workshop of TUV Rheinland. A further seminar was given in 2016 in Nagoya, Japan for DENSO. In 2018-2020 we held these seminars a some of our larger clients in Europe and Asia as e.g. MAN Energy Solutions, Voith, Hitachi Zosen Inova, Siemens and Danfoss. As there are two states in Australia who will not implement the WHS-2011 regulation in full (Western Australia and Victoria) we plan further seminars in Germany and Italy in 2021/2022. In Victoria the new Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017(OHS Regulation) and Equipment (Public Safety) Regulations 2017 were commenced on June 18th, 2017. There is no requirement anymore for plant item registration in Victoria. However, design registrations are still mandatory. Some states, as e.g. QLD require a special qualification for design verifier (RPEQ) in case you want to register your plant design in QLD. So there are still some obstacles in the harmonization.
In Western Australia on 27.November 2019 the new Work Heath and Safety Bill 2019 was introduced into the WA-Parliament. The new WHS-regulations in Western Australia are expected to be put in force early 2022. These will then finaly harmonize any procedures with all other states in Australia, except Victoria.
We offer our clients in Europe to visit them if they have actual questions for a bidding for a project in Australia/NZ - or are already designing plant items and preparing the necessary documentation for the approval process in Australia. Below are the periods, during which we will be in Europe in 2020. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you are interested in a visit. We also can hold seminars on request about Australian/NZ and European regulations or codes in countries in the region as Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. We are regularly in South East Asia for local projects. Possible topics e.g. "European Machinery Directive, European Pressure Equipment Directive, European Construction Product Regulation and of course the Australian Work Health and Safety Regulations. Please contact us any time, if you are interested in these (or similar) topics about European regulations. Just give us a call ! -
(*) The planned schedule in Europe for Autumn 2021 had to be changed to early 2022, as of COVID19. As soon as the Australian Government eases the restrictions for traveling, we will update/confirm the schedule below.
April 2nd to June 20th, 2022
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy
September 5th to November 10th, 2022
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, UK, France, Denmark